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Una casa islámica en Murcia

14/11/1990 - 06/12/1990 | Exposiciones temporales

Exposición organizada en colaboración con el extinto Centro Munipal de Arqueología donde se muestra uno de los ajuares más completos de la Murcia andalusí. Se trata de más de un centenar de piezas cerámicas halladas en un pozo de una casa islámica excavada en la calle San Nicolás, en el casco histórico de Murcia. Buena parte de esas piezas datadas en época inmediatamente anterior a la conquista castellana de 1243 ahora se exponen en el Museo de la Ciudad.

Things to Know About Plastic Euro Windows With the increase in the global awareness about maintenance of cleanliness and sanitation, the demand for euro windows has been increasing day by day. Windows are one of the basic requirements of the house, which provides a lot of benefits. In fact euro windows add a touch of style to the house as they can be used to provide more beauty to the entire home. Euro Replacement windows can be used in different home decors. There are different colors, styles and sizes of the windows in different materials. Euro replacement windows can be made in various materials like wood, wicker, PVC, plastic, paper and metal. In this article we are going to talk about windows made in plastic and what these materials are used for. The euro windows are made up of several layers. The make up of euro windows is very important because it helps in holding the moisture in and making the window strong. The best way to select a good option is to research and find out a great deal from various retailers who can offer you some great prices. You should check the interior and exterior of the euro windows. You should also check the hinge, style and make of the windows, and the color of the windows. Plastic windows are very common among the euro windows today and are made in several shapes and sizes. The material of plastic has many advantages. In this article we are going to discuss about the advantages of plastic replacement windows. Plastic is an easy to use material and can be easily manipulated to fit the windows. Also the windows can be removed from the wall when required and can be placed on any place of the house where there is no need for custom window covering. The easy installation is the greatest advantage of using plastic instead of wood. If you want to have a durable and good looking glass in your home then installing wooden replacement windows is the most popular choice. Wooden replacement windows give a touch of beauty to the entire house. If you want to install wooden windows in your home, you should always consider the safety factor. Make sure that the euro windows have the correct locking mechanism so that the doors of the house do not get opened unexpectedly. Wooden replacement windows will last for years. Most of the online stores today carry a wide variety of replacement euro windows in various sizes, shapes and finishes. The cost of these windows depends on the color, size and type of the windows. To have your own windows made in your home by a company that offers free consultation is a good idea. You should always opt for a company that has skilled designers and is trusted by the customers.
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espacio molinosdelrío/caballerizas • Concejalía de Cultura • C/ Molinos 1 · 30002-Murcia-España · museo.molinosdelrio@ayto-murcia.es
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